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Most of the time when I present Pro EFT to a new group, people don’t know much about tapping. The explanation that tapping eliminates emotional pain is often difficult to understand because the idea of eliminating our emotional pain is not even considered a possibility. Most of us have tried countless times to change the emotions we are feeling without success. The perception that we can’t change our emotional state gives no other choice but to block our emotional pain from our conscious mind.
This make it more difficult to understaned how some goofy looking tapping procedure could be helpful. The logistics of how EFT gets rid of our emotional pain is covered in the article How Does Pro EFT Work? This article addresses the common belief that our only choice is to put painful experiences out of our mind and get on with our lives.
When we have an everyday stressful experience we can’t fall apart. We must be able to swallow our pride and move on. For those of us with ulcers and obesity we are living this swallow our pride expression literally. The good results repressing our feelings gives us include we don’t get fired, our spouse doesn’t leave us, and that relative we see at the Holidays doesn’t have a new story to tell everyone next year. All in all stuffing our emotions works out pretty well in the short term. In the long term it doesn’t work out quite so well.
Biologically we are not capable of putting a stressful event out of our mind. The best we can do is constantly push the feelings out of the conscious part of our mind. This is a lot of work, but it can be done. This leaves the distress to have free rein in our unconscious mind which has no ability to evaluate and process. What the unconscious does do is find away to link these body based emotional responses to all the other like memories and bundle them together. Eventually we store up enough emotionally charged memories so that their combined intensity overrides the ability of our conscious mind to keep them at bay. The limbic system that is our emotional and memory center starts signaling us that something is wrong. We start feeling anxious most of the time. The smallest things frustrate us. We spend countless hours trying to make decisions but our mind can’t arrive at a solution as we envision multiple problems for every solution we see. We begin to wonder what is going on, am I losing it?
This is your emotional system doing what it is supposed to do. Anxiety is designed to make us avoid situations that are harmful or stressful. The unconscious mind notes you obviously are not avoiding stressful situations, just look at all the stored up stress and suffering you are carrying around. The limbic system turns up the intensity of your anxiety. A descriptive word picture has the unconscious mind saying she just doesn’t get it at a 3 so I’ll start giving her a 10 to see if she stops all of these stressful situations.
Unfortunately maintaining maximum levels of anxiety causes multiple effects in our bodies. It pumps out adrenalin, until you run out and you go from overly excited to exhausted. It signals cortisolto circulate. This causes you to gain as much weight as you can to avoid starvation. The unconscious brain does not reason out that the obnoxious brother in law has no power to leave you without food, it just kicks in the mandated biological response. While the cortisol is now helping gain weight it also attaches to your limbic system structures and inhibits your memory. During a flight or fight response in nature you can’t be bothered with your enormously slow conscious mind so it is turned off to allow your reactions to take over. Voila! You now can’t remember well, your pulse is elevated, and you still can’t decide what to do about what ever it was you were thinking about 10 minutes ago. You have a snack and wait to wake up at 3 a.m. and try to think it all through again.
Although painful experiences in life are inevitable, with Pro EFT tapping the suffering is now optional. At the Pro EFT Center you will not be taught how to cope with your stressful life. You will experience eliminating the stress you have picked up from your life. The distress from your emotionally painful memories will be eliminated. This is true whether it is the obnoxious relative or severe trauma and abuse. First we eliminate the distressful emotions from your current situation. Next we identify and eliminate the key stressful memories that keep you upset. Pro EFT does not advocate finding every stressful event in order to bring it all down. We understand that your memories are formatted like a neurobiological Jenga puzzle. We just need to determine the critical memories holding up the ongoing stress response and eliminate those and the whole tower of unpleasantness will lose it’s structure and collapse. Check out the coupons link to get the best deal you can. Call or email me and eliminate your stress with tapping today.
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