I asked a client recently “are you enough?” She did a double take and said, “of course I am.” I waited a few seconds and watched her light up. Two sessions before this she had sworn she wasn’t enough and could never feel she was enough, not ever. At the time she could prove it with her life’s failures. She also had been told thousands of times as a child how deficient she was. Now knowing she is enough is her gut level reaction.
Hot Tapping Tip # 1: Empower your self soothing side everyday.
My fellow Pro EFT classmate Cathryn Taylor was just on Pro EFT Radio. She has written 5 books including the Inner Child Workbook. Her specialty is addictions. Cathryn’s Interactive Tapping Technique is very powerful for getting the self sabotaging side of your personality validated and then giving the wiser, self comforting side, the controlling position.
In this powerful technique you take the two sides you have on an issue. You do the Basic Recipe, having each side explain their positions and reasoning. Start with the self destructive side first. Have the nurturing and self comforting side go second. This puts your wiser self in charge.
Here is the link to the show to learn this technique in greater detail by tapping along with Lindsay and Cathryn.
Hot Tapping Tip # 2: Get a 1/2 off coupon and save big.
The grand opening special is still going on until July 31, 2011. Invite me to give a free presentation at your gathering of friends, business group, or organization. You and all who sign up for the Hot Tapping Tips will get the 1/2 off coupon. Each coupon will be good for any package purchased within one month of the presentation date. I would rather pass the savings on to you for helping me get the word out. Introduce me as the guy who teaches you how to reduce your stress and gives out 1/2 off coupons. I teach the Pro EFT Basic Recipe as part of each presentation.
For a price list of packages click here.
Hot Tapping Tip #3: Explore the links on your favorite Pro EFT Center website article.
Explore the blog articles on the Pro EFT Center website. Click on the blue links in the articles. These links are to articles, study abstracts, and videos. The links will show you how EFT works, how to do various techniques, and the solid science behind healing yourself when you use this wonderful technology.
When your issues involve trauma, intense emotions, or are very complex a Certified Pro EFT/ Pro ER practitioner is recommended. I am always happy to help. Please feel free to call or email me with any questions you may have.
Feeling Good Now
Gently eliminating your stress, painful emotions, and trauma. Empowering you to live the life you were meant to live. Pain is inevitable in life, with Pro EFT the suffering is now optional
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