Getting on top of “I can’t keep up,” with Pro EFT™… Tell your story as it is…Acknowledge the reality that we expect ourselves to do more than is humanly possible…Humans are terrible estimators…Love and accept that ancient part of us …Explore the reason why we want to do so much…Go for what you really want directly…Get help when you need it
Hot Tapping Tips
Neutralizing your painful past with Pro EFT™
Neutralizing your painful past with Pro EFT™ Don’t push your way into the painful past
Human biology is much more complex than our theories
Allow the story to unfold on its own
Start by tapping down what the client wanted to work on
The unconscious mind links things together in multiple ways
Empower the client to choose to work on something later
Get help when you need it
Tap away your anger with Pro EFT™
Tap away your anger with Pro EFT™. Discover the difference between healthy and unhealthy anger. Healthy anger makes something change. Being with an understanding person vs a person who means to hurt youEliminate arguing with yourself. Tap in feeling in control directly. Reverse that bad effects of anger in your body. Venting your anger to get rid of it doesn’t work. Recognize anger early and take effective action. Get help when you need it.
Getting over the loss you can’t get over with Pro EFT™
When you can’t seem to get over a big loss in your life, it can be very discouraging. There are even psychotherapists who believe you never do get over a loss. Getting over the loss you can’t get over with Pro EFT™ requires really feeling listened to and understood.
Tap away feeling depressed with Pro EFT™
You have at your fingertips, the power to tap away feeling depressed with Pro EFT™. As with anxiety, the habit of calling many different things depression can make tapping it away seem impossible.
Tap away feeling overwhelmed with Pro EFT™
We can very effectively tap away feeling overwhelmed with Pro EFT™. But just as with anxiety, the many explanations about feeling overwhelmed make tapping it away somewhat confusing and …
Tap away your anxiety with Pro EFT
Anxiety has just become the most prevalent emotional health problem in the US. Learning how to effectively tap away your anxiety with Pro EFT is a wonderful solution. For most people, trying to tap down anxiety seems like a daunting and nearly impossible task. Part of the reason for this is the word anxiety has so … Continue Reading »
Relieve your emotional pain and limiting beliefs with Pro EFT
Many people wonder how to relieve your emotional pain and limiting beliefs with Pro EFT. Your painful emotions and limiting beliefs go hand in hand with each other. They form a vicious circle. You have an experience that is so upsetting that your unconscious mind records that response. Your mind observes what is happening. This observation becomes … Continue Reading »
Reprogram your dysfunctional reactions with Pro EFT
The world is finding out that EFT is wonderful at eliminating the emotional pain from trauma. Pro EFT is an advanced cousin of EFT. It is the perfect tool to reprogram your dysfunctional reactions.
Adding the Third Eye Point to your tapping routine
Here at the Pro EFT Center we are always looking for ways we can improve our tapping sessions. When someone comes up with a new idea, we are willing to try it out. A few months ago we began adding the Third Eye Point to our tapping routines. It has been working great. It has added … Continue Reading »