Empowering you to update your internal software
So you have the thoughts, emotions, reactions, and body sensations you want
I have spent much of my adult life searching for the best ways to have optimal health and happiness. I, like so many others, initially found myself learning systems, paying practitioners, and following advice that just didn’t work. With a great amount of trial and error I found a few things that were increasingly more helpful. I kept on trying, always expecting the next thing I learned to really make a difference. It turns out I was preparing myself to become a Pro EFT Master Practitioner and Trainer the whole time. The following is a very brief summary of the experiences that were helpful in my moving forward to having a happy and healthy life. All the time developing the knowledge base to effectively assist others in doing the same.
My first foray into the healing arts was to become an Acupressure Massage Therapist while working as a professional musician. My initial training was at the Acupressure Institute in Berkeley California with some follow up training at the McKinnon Institute in Oakland. My specialties were pain relief and emotional release.
The next step I took had me becoming a Registered Nurse. I graduated from Contra Costa College in San Pablo California. In school I began specializing in psychiatry and was very fortunate that this school had two psychiatric professors who were passionate about their specialty. This resulted in my having received much better than average training. These teachers taught advanced psychological interventions along with drug therapy in a balanced approach to treatment. Working as a nurse I remained exclusively in the field of psychiatry for 19 years of active hospital work.
As a practicing RN I was fortunate enough to be included in clinical supervision by both Alan Friedman PhD. and John White PhD. while working as a Therapy Coordinator at Fremont Hospital. At the time Fremont was a psychiatric hospital that doubled as a teaching hospital for psychologists. I received the same amount of clinical supervision and training as those PhD. graduates who were obtaining their clinical license in psychology. I also received advanced education and training on multiple occasions from Dr. David Burns in both Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Interpersonal Therapy. I am licensed for life to use his copyrighted materials. During this time I continued to take many courses in psychology at the college level with an eye on becoming a clinical psychologist.
I developed a passionate interest in the workings of the body and mind related to emotional health. I focused my continuing education requirements as a nurse in the fields of psychoneuroimmunology, psychiatry, psychology, and memory function. I often had 10 times the number of continuing education credits I needed to keep my nursing license current by California standards. This field was my passion. This training kept me up to date in the advancing therapeutic treatments for mental health disorders, relieving emotional distress, relieving emotional trauma, ending abusive relationships, and creating functional relationships. I count myself quite fortunate to have continuing education from many of the world’s most renowned practitioner’s in their respective fields including Dr. Aaron Beck, Jacqueline Persons PhD., Nicholas Hall PhD., Robert Sapolsky PhD., and Stuart Zola PhD. During this time in my career I predominantly worked as either the team leader or therapy coordinator for psychiatric day hospital programs in the San Francisco Bay Area.
The programs I worked in were very successful with the clients we treated. It was common to have better short and long term outcomes for our clients than anyone who referred them to us had expected was even possible. In spite of this success I gradually discovered that something was missing. I instinctively new that it was the fact that the whole body responds to trauma and stress. Therefore the whole body needed to be healed to have effective and long lasting relief. I didn’t have the answer. I didn’t know where to turn to find an answer.
I ended up traveling the country as a traveling psych nurse for a while. I rediscovered yoga and had the inspiration to become a yoga instructor. Maybe this was the missing piece in effective body mind healing. I became a yoga instructor with Ana Forrest with the idea of combining the physical and emotional release of her yoga with my other training. I began working full time as a Psychiatric RN in Boise Idaho while developing my own effective Emotional Healing Yoga practice. It was during this time I accidentally discovered EFT.
After a few months of EFT training I knew this was what I had been searching for and in a sense training for my whole life. Using EFT I had the experience of having traumatic events go from 10 plus levels of distress to 0 intensity. Even more amazing was that they stayed at 0 distress permanently for each event I worked on. At the same time the EFT sessions also produced deep relaxation and happiness that I could feel in my whole body. Because of all my training and experience I really appreciated how phenomenal the results were when using EFT.
I continued my training in Gary Craig’s traditional EFT. I began applying his techniques with inpatients in psychiatry with great success.
After attending the World Tapping Summit I discovered Lindsay Kenny. She had advanced the techniques in EFT farther than anyone else I could find. I took my advanced training from her in person and am now a one or 14 Pro EFT Masters in the world. Since completing that training, I have also trained with Dawson Church in clinical EFT as well. I believe strongly in continuing my education in Energy Psychology. All the great practitioners have something to share.
The experience of assisting others to eliminate their suffering is the best job in the world. I would be truly honored to share this wonderful system of Pro EFT and all of it’s benefits with you. I promise to all my clients I will continue to find the most effective means possible for all of us to feel the emotions we want to feel and truly live the lives we were meant to live.

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