Creating optimal living, through emotional freedom
Finding Relief with Pro EFT
Empowering you to update your internal software
So you have the thoughts, emotions, reactions, and body sensations you want
The Problem Develops
When we have a stressful event in our lives, we cope by having a stress response. In the short term, this stress response is wonderful. When the emotional stress is intense enough, our unconscious mind records the new response. Now anything that reminds us of that stressful event triggers the same response. It gets worse over time as the body looks for more things that are similar to the original event. The more upset we get each time this happens, the more the unconscious records the dysfunctional reaction again and again. It becomes a vicious cycle.
What doesn’t Work
We decide to reason with ourselves by gathering facts and trying to convince ourselves to react differently. The rational approach is not emotionally intense enough to cause the unconscious mind to record a new response. It doesn’t want us to record over the millions of reactions it is keeping track of every day. You don’t want to delete the reactions that know how to walk, how to regulate blood flow, or how to react when a car swerves into your lane.
Reasoning with your unconscious mind is very much like going home and seeing a movie playing over and over again, that you don’t like. So you pull up a chair and talk to the DVR player. You explain, scene by scene, exactly what you don’t like about the movie. We need to push the record button and change the movie.
Because we don’t know how to turn on the record button in our body, we get discouraged. We might start thinking our new reactions are just who we are.
A simple issue is often eliminated in one to three sessions. A complex issue with many contributing factors will take longer. The number of sessions is dependent on how many aspects need to be addressed.