Touching the eyebrow points is naturally comforting.
In the modern world we have almost completely lost touch with touch. Touch is the primary comforting tool all primates use to alleviate stress and express affection. Without an awareness of how we use healing touch, the Pro EFT tapping points can at first seem silly and embarrassing. 
When we see these areas being touched in the context of emotional situations, the touching does not seem out of place. Whether it is a loving situation or a tragedy, we instinctively know what to do. I am not including photos of people holding these areas while experiencing a tragedy. It is traumatizing to see others going through severe distress. The purpose of this website is to help people heal their stress and pain, not add more.
We have fixed action patterns that compel us to touch these comforting areas when we most need them. Progressive Emotional Freedom Technique has harnessed our fixed action patterns so we can comfort ourselves consciously. We empower ourselves to change how we feel now, without having to wait for our unconscious reactions. This is a far superior method to only touching these points when we are stressed beyond our capacity to cope.
The Eye Brow point is where our hands often go when we have extreme grief. It often happens when we suddenly recognize the perfectly obvious. The forehead eyebrow area stimulates comfort, insight, and affection.
The Side Eye point is recognizable to anyone who has ever had a stress headache. Extreme stress and agony causes our hands to spontaneously grab the side of our head. Rubbing this area relieves tension, regret, and pain.
The Under Eye point on the cheek bone is touched when we are shocked and surprised. Remember the poster for the movie Home Alone? This is the point that started it all with Dr. Roger Callahan in the 1980s. It is associated with feeling grounded.

Centering our thoughts, the thinker.
When we want to center our thoughts, block out the world, and increase our concentration we lean our head on our hand under the nose and around the chin. You can often see these points being stimulated when people are having intellectual conversations. Covering both the Chin and Under Nose points at once by bringing a hand to the mouth is an automatic response when receiving an emotional shock. These points help us to increase our concentration and to feel centered.
People witnessing truly fearful and awful events often place their hand over the collarbone/sternum area. People trying to catch their breath often grab this area to
regain their energy and composure. We tap on the Collar Bone points to give every round a powerful balancing energy against feeling overwhelmed with fear and panic.
The Underarm points are the areas we scratch while making fun about being a monkey. Primates use this area when they are upset or excited. We stimulate this area with our fingers when we cross our arms. It helps us feel safe and secure.
When we are hugged from behind the arms lay across the Liver Points. The Liver Points are Pro EFT Tapping Points that you don’t see used in traditional EFT. When we cross our arms in front we stimulate these points. The Liver Point is associated with anger in acupuncture. Hugging this area stimulates feeling safe, loved, and secure.
The Wrist Points are literally wrung with grief. These Pro EFT Tapping Points are associated with anxiety, nausea, breathing, top to bottom flow, and letting go. I teach four fingers tapping on the Wrist points using both hands at the same time which magnifies the effectiveness.
High levels of shock, grief, and despondency compels people to grab the top of their head. The Crown Point gives us a sense of containment and centering. It helps bring us back into our body when we our world has fallen apart.
We pound our hands on the Karate Chop Point with anger, worry, and grief. This is also an area that elicits loving feelings when caressed affectionately. Holding hands even suppresses the stress response to receiving electrical shocks. I use this area for Pro EFT Reversal Tapping as it elicits feelings of power, comfort, and affection.
The Sore Spot is where we associate Tarzan and the great apes pounding on their chests creating great enthusiasm and power. This makes it a perfect set up point. I show my clients to tap this point rather than the Karate Chop point for the Set Up because it is particularly powerful for releasing sensations in the body.
There is a cumulative effect of tapping these points in their specific order. This effect is many times more powerful than adding the comforting value of each of the points together. Biologically there are thousands of neural and endocrine connections for any given issue or event. Empowering the body to choose the pathways of healing is a much better choice than trying to control every mechanism ourselves. This is the beauty of tapping all of the points in a row. Our bodies will heal if we stimulate the comforting pathways we already have in place.
If you would like to begin utilizing this powerful system that empowers your body to choose it’s most effective healing path, contact me today. I am always happy to respond to your questions or to set up a package of sessions. Begin your journey into true emotional freedom using the Pro EFT tapping points that comfort yourself the way nature intended.
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