
Empowering you to update your internal software

So you have the thoughts, emotions, reactions, and body sensations you want

Progressive Emotional  Freedom Technique empowers us to change our emotions, thoughts, and reactions to anything we want them to be. First we understand how we developed the reactions and then we can reverse the process using Pro EFT.
Our natural state is to feel happy, loved, empowered, safe, and secure.  For example a baby who sees mom’s loving face over and over again knows they are lovable and acceptable. This is how it is meant to be. THE PROBLEM DEVELOPS: The Event: Along the way events happen that either continue this perception of acceptability and lovability or shock us into a world that is dangerous and unpredictable. We hardwire these shocking events into memory so we can learn from them. The Emotion: The thinking brain has many neurons projecting into the emotional brain. The thinking brain signals the emotional brain to feel strong emotions every time we think of the event. These strong emotions cause us to react. This reaction becomes a hardwired response that is nearly impossible to change without Pro EFT. Feeling these powerful emotions repeatedly can change the structure of the emotional brain. The emotional brain becomes hypersensitive. It soon takes very little stimulation to set off intense emotional reactions to any event that reminds us of the oringinal situation. The Behavior: When we feel strong emotions we react to relieve the stress. If we do the same behavior several times our brain memorizes it. This new automatic behavior no longer needs strong emotions in order to kick it into gear. Just a reminder will do. We all have experienced eating something that wasn’t good for us, didn’t taste good, and left us feeling bad. We wondered why we did that. This is the hardwired behavioral memory reacting even though we no longer get pleasure or relief from the behavior. The unconscious mind is literally one million times more powerful than the conscious brain. We do not have enough time, energy, or will power to overcome the unconscious mind all the time. As business coach Sylvia Becker-Hill says in her Pro EFT Radio Interview, “Will power is a depletable resource.” We only have so much effort we can put out until we are too tired and worn out to keep trying. The feelings and reactions take over despite our best efforts to change them. We begin to feel there is no solution. THE PRO EFT SOLUTION Erasing the Original Emotions: Pro EFT utilizes our natural comforting mechanisms to create a deep relaxation response. We state the problem while the emotional distress is being reduced. We continue until all the negative emotional response is gone from the event. All EFT systems do this step. This is a wonderful result that is far better than what was available before the discovery of tapping. EFT does not erase the memory of the event itself. Long term success requires more action. At the Pro EFT Center we replace the negative event, emotions, and reactions with positive ones. Inserting New Emotions: Here at the Pro EFT Center we use the Golden Gate Technique developed by Lindsay Kenny to automatically choose the emotions we want to feel. As the tapping turns on the record button in the unconscious mind, these changes are hardwired to the original event. Now we have a positive emotional response even when we are thinking of the old upsetting event. Connecting a positive Event to the new emotions: Pat Carrington uses resource tapping to link the new positive emotions to a positive event. This reinforces the power of the new emotions we have chosen to feel. The unconscious now brings up good feelings and good memories even when the original event is remembered. Resource tapping is a part of every Happy Tapping routine you will learn here at the Pro EFT Center. Creating new positive behaviors: When we are grateful for getting what we want in life, our reactions change. Converting a single positive event into an ongoing series of events is the goal. One technique that brings this about is I Love It When Tapping. Carol Look teaches this technique in her Pro EFT Radio Interview. Here at the Pro EFT Center I Love It When tapping is often part of the daily assignments. It puts you in the position of  gratefully acknowledging a series of wonderful events that enter your life. When you are filled with the energy of appreciation, wonderful events multiply. At the Pro EFT Center I use hybrid techniques like the Resourceful Golden Gate Technique and Bill’s Happy Tapping to associate the old event, the new emotions, and the new life experience. Replacing all three components empowers you to have the outlook, reactions, and emotions you want. This reverses the ongoing damage negative events have caused you. Good feelings now are your baseline. If you would like to have this kind of power available at your fingertips, contact me today, and let’s begin changing your life one tap at a time.
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